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Moon Knight EP2 Recap and Review

Updated: Apr 13, 2022

We start off this episode with Steven looking at the security footage with the security guard at the museum. What they see on the security footage is Steven running away from what seems to be nothing at all. After this he gets sent to HR, and they tell him that he is fired.

Steven starts to look into what else he is hiding from himself, so he goes to a place where you can hire security lockers, and asks for a locker under the name of Marc. He gets shown to the security locker, and what he finds in there are weapons, a bed and a passport that says Marc Specter. This is when Steven meets Marc again and Marc finally tells him the truth, which is that he serves Khonshu the Egyptian god of the moon, and he is his avatar. After hearing this Steven get's freaked out and runs away. This is where we get our first real look at Khonshu, and the CGI looks amazing.

As Steven is running away he meets Layla, and he finds out that she is Marc's wife. Layla takes Steven to his apartment. She thinks he is putting on a British accent and is pretending he can't remember anything. But she slowly starts to realize that something is not right with him, and that he is not pretending. He shows her what is in the bag he found in the security locker and he finds a scarab, which she thinks that he is taking for himself after they discovered it together. The police come in at this point and Layla sneaks out of the window. The police are looking for a stolen object, but instead they find a passport that says Marc Specter. The police say that they are taking him to the police station, but they end up taking him to Arthur Harrow.

Arthur shows him the community he has built and tells him that he used to be Khonshu's avatar. Arthur also asks for the scarab, but Steven says he does not know where it is. This is when Layla comes to the rescue and we find out that she is in possession of the scarab. She hands it to Steven because he won't transform into Moon Knight, so she protects them both from the people that are trying to take it. At this point Arthur summons a jackal, and Steven finally transforms into Moon Knight. But we see a different look to what we saw at the end of episode one. We see Moon Knight wearing a white party suit, this is because Steven is controlling it and not Marc. Steven cannot defeat the jackal, so he let's Marc takeover and defeat the creature himself.

We find out that Steven actually dropped the scarab, and Arthur Harrow finds it on the floor and walks away with it. The next scene we see Marc in control of the body, and he is not letting Steven take it back. Khonshu shows up and tells Marc that if he is not useful to him he will take over the body of his wife Layla. The last scene we see is Marc looking out of the window, and we get a stunning shot of Egypt. I think the next episode we will see more of the lore behind the god Khonshu, and how he chose Marc as his avatar.

Verdict - 7/10

Overall the episode was a lot better than the last one, and I presume that it's only going to get better. Oscar Isaac's performance yet again was brilliant, and he really brings the show to life for me. I was skeptical after the first episode, but after the latest one I can't wait to see where the series will lead us.

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